Stories · survival


Well its past midnight and I’ve finally sat down! I have 100 things buzzing around my head on how to use this time productively and that I should be making things to sell in my boutique or looking at monologues to learn but the truth is i’ll have my head flat on the keypad in about 30 minutes and they will have to wait until tomorrow, again! If you hadn’t guessed already, I’m sleep deprived regulalalalaraly (and can never say that word!)

So I’m totally new to blogging let alone Word Press so forgive me if I muck up! Muck now theres a word us moms are used to. After having a poorly twin last night who now seems to miraculously be fine after being sick with a high temperature – needless to say this momma hardly got any sleep as I had made a bed out of blankets in their bedroom that even the dog didn’t want to share with me, and every snore and snort woke me up, but tonights another night  – day by day as they say.

A bit about me and why I’ve taken to blogging. I once was an actress – I still am an actress, well I try to be an actress – and not the drama queen type! Then I had two adorable munchkins. At the same time. Hell, I picked one up in the car park and thought ‘Hay this will be fun’, an answer id love to give one day when asked “are they twins?” No i just had two babies that happen to be the same size (there about), look similar and are in the same pushchair dressed the same and no, one isn’t a boy dressed in pink butterflies, and no, its not strange that one has curly hair and one straight (They are different people you know, a bit like sisters!). Nope I really did not curl ones hair so I could tell them apart – did you see my 3 day old non brushed slightly dreadlocked hair and think id have the time to curl a toddlers? Nope sorry, your brothers, girlfriends, aunties, friends sister did not have boy/girl identical twins (they have to be the same sex), and neither did her cat!  Yes you should expect twins because your boyfriends mom is a twin – okay so this is a common one, its all down to the women folks and how many eggs are present to be fertilised, if it was the man and his 10,000 whatever swimmers that get released at every ejaculation – god help us all! But impatient jokes aside, and the draining fact that it took 2 hours to get out the house for a 10 min round trip thats now taking 45 and will eat into dinner time which means they will be over hungry and ‘hangry’ meaning nap time will be a right ball ache and bed time will be like trying to do keepie uppies whilst balancing a plate of jelly on your head because its all gone to pot because you dared get out the house!  I love the attention! Its a blessing, they are unique, they are twins (triplet + moms – I applaud you!) and they are the most precious things I’ve ever made, so please appreciate them too and even though us multiple moms may secretly be thinking all the above things its only a tactic to digress as we hear the same things 30+ times a week (no joke), but I wouldn’t have it any other way and secretly – I needed those people to talk to!

I vent, sorry, write a lot on Facebook and some friends encouraged me to start a blog so here goes! Mommas a Mermaid. I love mermaids, who doesn’t? (Because of course they’re real!). But wouldn’t you agree moms, that most days you feel like a mythical creature (and in my case look like one, I’m thinking more the Grinch or Big foot! The Gruffalo even!). Not quite on the planet, struggling to survive and slightly invisible? Talking in a different language to every other ‘8 hours sleep a night’ person who doesn’t live in gar gar goo land. Possibly even wanting to lure men to their death after leaving you alone for over 10 hours with toddler twins and wishing a pair of clam shells would sit gently cupping your bosoms instead of cracking under the pressure!?  So here I will write (and hopefully share with a few) all about my experiences and adventures with two (yes twins) little terrors. Ideas and how I get through the day (coffee/Gin) , meals and recipes I find, probably my love of photography and most definitely my frustrations in finding no time to put into what should be my dressmaking business, or selling the stock I have which enables me to be 9-5 free for what should be acting jobs around two lovable wrecking balls that I want to maximise every experience with !


now I will sleep – maybe! xxxx

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