
DIY hair clips

So as some may already know I make things to sell in my boutique ‘The Little Dress Boutique’ which can be found on Facebook , Instagram or  Etsy by clicking on the links. So there’s the plug! 

Now on to these really simple hair clips we recently made. No sewing involved and the girls love them! (Unfortunately one of the girls did wake up in the depths of a dark, cold night screaming because she wanted her hair clip in her hair – how and why I do not know but at least that’s her only concern!). Even though I did most of the work, they enjoyed watching the clips come together, choosing their colours and of course, using mommas phone to take pics! 

So you will need:

Fabric glue, green felt (different shades of you like), 3 squares of coloured felt (different or the same colours as its for the flowers) , scissors, alligator clip.   

You can get this fantastic Eco felt which is made from melted down plastic bottles! This was from a market but the stall isn’t there anymore but I’m sure it will be online.  

To do:

1: Cut out a circle and some leaves from the green felt. Glue the leaves to the circle 

2: The felt squares. The smaller the square the smaller the flower will be, then the more squares you will need to turn into flowers to cover the green circle base that you have already glued the leaves too. We used 3 squares which I randomly cut out. Draw a spiral onto the square or get your little one to do this. Don’t worry if they can’t as you can just cut it out without drawing it on but it makes the little monsters feel involved! ;0) 

Now you have your spirals cut out , squeeze some fabric glue around the inside edge of the spiral and whilst ‘rolling’ through the spiral, glue the sides together. It helps to slightly fold the centre so you have something to roll around. 


Now you have your rolled up flowers you can stick them to the remaining visible parts of the green felt base. Note in this picture I have drawn some detail on the leaves. You can use any fabric pen for this, I used a sharpie. 

When you have stuck the required amount of flowers on to the base you can turn it over and add the alligator clip with glue. I have added some matching felt over the top to reinforce the security of the clip. 

Allow to dry and then ….. 

Wear with pride with the added bonus that your felt was made from post consumer plastic bottles! 


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