Healthy Recipes · Snacks

1st recipe share – oaty bars! 

If anyone is also following my Instagram ( Mommasamermaid) you will find its mostly food! I post pics of things I need to remember to write about on here, a sort of visual notebook. As you’ll notice there are a lot of pics on there which don’t appear on here – yet. I’m getting round to it I promise! 
So my first recipe is that of ‘Oaty bars’. Now I first came across these in the Red Ellas Kitchen cookbook which is highly recommended! Actually I recommend them all! There are some fantastic home cooking healthy recipes in there and best of all , it’s really easy for the kids to join in! 


My version goes like this…. 

    Gather some good looking ingredients! Get inventive. Here I have used:

  • Porridge oats
  • Oatbran
  • Raisins 
  • Chopped Apricots
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Linseeds
  • Dash of Rose water 
  • Bananas 
  • Goji berries

In a bowl mix the oats, Oatbran and banana together until the banana is total mush and has stuck to all the oats, you can add more bananas if the mixture is too thick. Then add all the other ingredients apart from the desiccated coconut. 

Flatten down into a baking tray on top of parchment paper or a good none stick tray or even mould into bars.


Sprinkle with the desiccated coconut and pop into the oven for about 20 minutes on fan 150 

 Allow to cool and enjoy xx 
You can play around with different ingredients such figs, cinnamon, dried apple, chopped pear, cocoa, cocoa nibs,  seeds, chopped nuts, ground nuts, chilli etc etc . 

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