Healthy Recipes · Snacks · survival

Orange, cinnamon and honey cupcakes

Slightly healthy, slightly naughty – taste good!

I found this recipe in one of these fab books from ‘The Works’ god I’m addicted to that shop! 

The original recipe is titled ‘Drizzled honey cupcakes’ but one of the twins (the other was miraculously asleep!!) and I added a few extras! 

You will need: (makes 12)

  • 85g self raising flour
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 
  • Pinch of ground nutmeg
  • 6/7 tbsp softened butter
  • 85g caster sugar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tangerine – to grate the rind then juice the fruit later
  • 2 eggs beaten 
  • 40g mixed walnuts & pecans crushed.
  • Handful of apricots
  • Handful of raisins
  • 1 tbsp sugar coated chocolate balls (not the ‘South Park’ kind the smarties kind!) 


  • 20g mixed walnuts, pecans, flaked almonds.
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Juice of the tangerine from above (No that’s not a cryptic message!) 
  • Chocolate sprinkles


(Pre heat the oven to 190 fan) 

  1. Put 12 paper cupcake cases on a baking tray (double up the cases if using this option) or muffin tin.   
  2. Put the butter and sugar in a bowl and mix together until fluffy. Mix in the honey and orange rind, gradually add the  eggs , mixing well. 
  3. Mix the flour, cinnamon and nutmeg together in a bowl.
  4. Sift the flour mixture into the butter mixture. Do this gradually and fold in.  
  5. Add the raisins, apricots and sugar coated chocolate balls and mix well. 
  6. Separate the cake mixture evenly into the cases and put into the pre heated oven on fan 190 for 20 min and until golden brown.    
  7. Put the topping cinnamon , juice of tangerine and mixed nuts in a bowl for 20+ min
  8. Whilst the cakes cool down drain the nuts from the orange juice mixture into a separate container as you will use this juice in a mo. 
  9. In a dry saucepan, warm the nuts until they start browning. Set aside in a separate container.
  10. Add the orange juice mixture into the now empty saucepan, add the honey and butter. Stirring until combined. 
  11. When cakes have cooled, prick some holes into the top with a fork. Poor over the orange juice juice mixture and sprinkle on the nuts and chocolate sprinkles.  

Serve warm or cold.


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