School days · twins

Good morning school

So schools started, with a bang, the first week isn’t over yet , oooh no, it’s only Wednesday morning – they’ve only had two half days followed by 2 full days! We’ve already put holes in two pairs of tights, fallen over a bike, grazed poorlys, refused to enter the school door , cried so much they made out it was a kidnap, cried in the middle of the dinner hall because the dinner one had chosen was not the dinner she wanted so went on hunger strike, had chips for two nights as mamma was still running round like a loon, refused to put on one style of grey pinafore in favour of the other …. grey pinafore. Desperately wanting an ‘Elsa’ plait (yep still!) and coming home with free flowing birds nest hair because she took it out. I mean seriously , after two event free highly enjoyable introductory afternoon sessions (both of them enjoyed I’ll add) you’d have hoped for the best , maybe even said to yourself  ‘aw they will love it’, ‘this is amazing, they have play days every day’ and then it hits you …. play days every day … starting at 8:50am …everyday for the next 6 or so years! Ummmm tired of the morning battle much? One thing I’ve figured already is that it doesn’t matter how early they will be going (or should I say you attempt to put them to bed) they will be knackered in the morning, they will not want to get out of their nice cosy warm pit and get ready for school – even though you know when it comes to home time they will have had a brilliant day and are beaming from ear to ear! The battle begins …. why do they do this!!? Before the day hits 9am you’ve already fought your way through the morning with every tactic you can find that hasn’t already been used ( and I remind you it’s only day 3!). So this morning I stooped low, real low. I hit a bad ass mamma button and to be honest , secretly enjoyed it.

 I used cake. 

That’s right, before 8am I offered both twins cake. For breakfast. If they promised to get out of bed, get dressed, eat some ‘proper’ breakfast, brush their teeth and get their shoes on. I’ve never seen a 4 year old wake up so quickly (except Christmas Day of course). It’s the middle of week 1 – day 3 to be exact and I’ve already pulled out the big guns, dropped myself in the shit for all the other 7 years of mornings and have no fall back plan. I mean seriously, where was the strategy here?! At least we ran through the school gates before 9am – maybe we’ll take an apple for the teacher tomorrow? A half eaten, semi chewed apple cake! 

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