
So this bits always a struggle to write especially when you’ve been putting two tiny terrors before your own needs for 3 years and have merged into the term ‘Stay at home mom’ clinging to any part of your previous identity you can, only to realise you no long fit into your old size 8 denim hot pants!

Why have I taken to blogging? Well I put a lot of pics and day to day experiences on Facebook, including recipes and activities and my sister told me I should start a blog. I didn’t at the time as hardly had time to sleep let alone manage a blog right? Well, now a few more people have made the same statement and the girls are little older I’m giving it a go!

Mommas a Mermaid. I love mermaids, who doesn’t? (Because of course they’re real!). But wouldn’t you agree moms, that most days you feel like a mythical creature (and in my case look like one, I’m thinking more the Grinch or Big foot! The Gruffalo even!). Not quite on the planet, struggling to survive and slightly invisible? Talking in a different language to every other ‘8 hours sleep a night’ person who doesn’t live in gar gar goo land. Possibly even wanting to lure men to their death after leaving you alone for over 10 hours repeatedly with toddler twins and wishing a pair of clam shells would sit gently cupping your bosoms instead of cracking under the pressure!?  So here I will write (and hopefully share with a few) all about my experiences and adventures with my little terrors (three if you include the dog), Ideas and how I get through the day (coffee/Gin) , meals and recipes I find (coffee flavoured chocolate with vodka), probably my love of photography and most definitely my frustrations in finding no time to put into what should be a home business and what should be an acting career around two lovable wrecking balls that I want to maximise every experience with !

Oh and please follow me on Instagram (here’s the link, hopefully!) Mommasamermaid 

And my boutique on Facebook at : The Little Dress Boutique (well I need to fund the chocolate somehow) 

Or on Etsy at: Ldboutiquedesigns (shameless plug)

Thank you and here’s to sleepless nights! πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ’ͺ🏼😘
‘May your coffee be strong, and your ability to stay awake even stronger’ 

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